In this video, I showcase my Desk Reservation System built using multiple Microsoft 365 services - PowerApps, Power BI, Microsoft Visio & Microsoft Dataverse. The solution leverages a Power BI report which has visualizations showcasing information of desks booked by the users. Microsoft Visio Visual in Power BI has a diagram of the office space, which allows users to select a specific desk to reserve. Upon selection of a desk to reserve, the PowerApps Visual in Power BI allows the user to book a desk for a specific date. Users can also see all their upcoming desk reservations inside the Power App.
The solution can be leveraged in many scenarios - Social Distancing for reserving desks, store appointment bookings, Inventory Management, Reserving conference rooms and more.
⚡ Power Platform Integration Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTyFh-qDKAiEUf5st2WhUzgoDRF-1hET0
📱 Power Apps Visual in Power BI - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTUfX9HNdK0&list=PLTyFh-qDKAiEUf5st2WhUzgoDRF-1hET0&index=2
📈 Add Visio Visuals to Power BI reports - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/add-visio-visuals-to-power-bi-reports-4f09be62-f436-45c2-93b0-4a0f66b1f5a7
🏬 Inventory Monitoring Power BI & Visio - https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMDMwOGM3OTYtMjEzNy00MWEwLTlkOGItNWI2MTdmZGE4Y2Y1IiwidCI6IjM5YzNkYjM3LTg3YzItNDY3OC1hNjE5LTgwZmQ0ZWZhZDRjMiIsImMiOjF9
In this video you'll learn about:
✅ Microsoft Visio Visual in Power BI
✅ Power Apps Visual in Power BI
✅ Power BI connect to a data source.
✅ Integration of Microsoft Visio, Power Apps & Power BI
#PowerApps #PowerBI #Visio #DeskReservation
Table of Contents:
00:00 - Intro
00:50 - Inventory Monitoring Power BI & Visio Visual Integration
03:05 - Desk Reservation Power Platform Solution walkthrough
07:29 - Office space Visio diagram with shapes for reserving desks
08:33 - Desk Information & Desk Reservation Tables
09:23 - Power BI connect to Microsoft Dataverse
10:24 - Add Visio Visual in Power BI & configure colors of shapes by setting the visual properties
12:37 - Add Power Apps Visual in Power BI and send fields from PowerBI dataset to PowerApps
13:27 - PowerBIIntegration object in Power Apps
13:48 - Power Apps Desk Reservation App walkthrough
15:47 - Licensing and Sharing information for Microsoft Visio, Power BI and Power Apps Integration scenarios
16:27 - Subscribe to Reza Dorrani channel