#Bitcoin #Ethereum #Solana #Amazon #Tesla #Polkadot #Chiliz #RaoulPal #JPMorgan
Market State of the Union
The opinions expressed in the video are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security or investment product. It is only intended to provide education about the financial industry.
0:00 EU Scare
Good news - No force until 2024
1:00 Bitcoin Short Squeeze
2:00 AMZN and Crypto
3:00 NJ Pensions Buying Miners
4:00 Ukraine and Crypto
5:00 SOL Launches Staking Pools
6:00 JP Morgan Eats Crow
7:00 Raoul Pal and Chiliz $CHZ
8:00 BTC to ETH, ETH to DOT
9:00 BSV and BCH - Beware
10:00 Taxes and the Stock Market
Thanks Sanjay for sharing - “Fed Put”.
11:00 Global Money Printing
12:00 Speaking of China
13:00 Tesla Bull Here
14:00 Tesla Tax Credit News
Current two-track Infrastructure bill stalled as Rs refused to move the core $1.2T bill to the Senate floor for debate.
15:00 Tesla Superchargers
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