Old Danish Trawler Lays Over on the said and sinks in the earlier hours of July 18, 2021.
UDKALD: klokken 01:00 natten til søndag blev vi kaldt ud til en position 30 sømil vest for Hirtshals. Meldingen lød på at fiskekutteren RI 372 Aggersøe var ved at forlise, fordi lasten af industrifisk havde forskubbet sig. Margrethe Gaardbo afgik fra Hirtshals Havn.
På vej ud til positionen fik vi en melding fra Lyngby Radio om at besætningen på fiskekutteren var blevet evakueret af Søværnets redningshelikopter.
Da Margrethe Gaardbo som det første skib ankom til Aggersøe, kunne vi konstatere at kutteren havde kraftig bagbord slagside. Kort tid efter begyndte kutteren at synke og der gik ikke lang tid før det kun var stævnen der stak op af havet.
Af hensyn til sikkerheden for den øvrige skibstrafik blev vi liggende og holdt vagt ved den synkende kutter før vi søndag eftermiddag blev afløst at Vestkysten og Margrethe Gaardbo og besætning kunne returnere til Hirtshals.
OUT: 01:00 o'clock on the night of Sunday we were called to a position 30 nautical mile west of Hirtshals. The report was that the fishing boat RI 372 Aggersøe was about to ship because the load of industrial fish had been moving. Margrethe Gaardbo departed from Hirtshals Harbor.
On our way to the position we received a message from Lyngby Radio that the crew of the fishing boat had been evacuated by the Navy rescue helicopter.
When Margrethe Gaardbo, as the first ship, arrived in Aggersøe, we found that the cutter had a strong side of the backboard. Shortly after, the cutter started sinking and it wasn't long before it was just the event that stabbed out of the sea.
For the sake of the safety of the other ship traffic, we were lying and kept guard at the sinking cutter before we were replaced on Sunday afternoon that the West Coast and Margrethe Gaardbo and crew could return to Hirtshals.