GIANT Life Size Board Game to Save Casey!
After Chad Wild Clay made "WHICH ONE is My BROTHER? Face Reveal Unmasking of CWC Casey Wild Clay", Vy Qwaint created "Our HOUSE will EXPLODE if we CUT WRONG WIRE! Brother Casey Helps YouTubers vs EMP Escape", Daniel Gizmo uploaded "My Brother Casey Got Caught in 4k by Hacker Battle in Real Life Mission to Disable Roblox Forcefield", and Melvin PZ9 uploaded "Gaming Outside cuz My House is a Trapped in an EMP Force Field! Playing BedWars in Roblox", the Spy Ninjas have found themselves in another one of Agent Peters' traps! Agent Peters took Chad's brother captive, so now they have to play his game full of difficult challenges and games to save him. If they win the game, they might be able to get CWC's brother back. But, if they lose then Casey is doomed to sleep with the fishes! The gang team up together to find 7 coins in a mysterious murky goop that is full of strange objects. They also compete to see who can dance the best blindfolded, sing the best song about Chef Crouton, peel bananas with their feet and find hidden objects in a spooky warehouse. Will they be able to beat the challenges and save Chad's brother? Agent Peters will pay for this! Thank you for watching my funny entertainment comedy adventure vlog videos in 2021!
Watch my friend’s awesome videos:
FGTeeV - PIGGY's Rock, Paper, Scissors OH-Shoooot! (FGTeeV Fam vs. Book 2 Chapter 9: Docks || ROBLOX)
SSSniperwolf - Tik Toks Only Siblings Will Understand
Aphmau - Aphmau's MOM is a LIAR In Minecraft!
Dangie Bros - WORLDS Tiniest 100 Button Mystery Box! *ONLY 1 ESCAPE BUTTON*
▶ SPY NINJAS GADGETS - https://spyninjasgadgets.com/
▶ SPY NINJAS & CWC Merchandise - https://www.spyninjasstore.com/
▶ SPY NINJA NETWORK - https://spyninja.page.link/cwcyoutube
▶ Official Spy Ninjas Website - https://www.spyninjas.net/
Watch Spy Ninjas here:
▶ Chad - https://www.youtube.com/user/chadwildclay
▶ Vy - https://www.youtube.com/user/VyQwaint
▶ Daniel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmFzvquJYoSDFhd9W0JhZKw
▶ Regina - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiNJel5I2JYglFEn0TOXh_Q
▶ Melvin PZ9 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Ewbj-MFWA7dXgQA9y5EEw
Spy Ninjas' Instagram:
▶ Chad - https://www.instagram.com/chadwildclay
▶ Vy - https://www.instagram.com/vyqwaint
▶ Daniel - https://www.instagram.com/cwcdaniel
▶ Regina - https://www.instagram.com/cwcregina
▶ Melvin PZ9 - https://www.instagram.com/spyninjamelvin/
Most royalty free background music is from Epidemic Sounds. You can use their music in your videos by clicking here http://share.epidemicsound.com/mDVsZ