Viral Karen Video, The Interaction Dissected, A Victim Or A Skilled Grifter?

Viral Karen Video, The Interaction Dissected, A Victim Or A Skilled Grifter?

I recently watched a clip of a lady freaking it out. My initial reaction was that it seemed very funny, then I heard that there was more video footage of the story. I now see this interaction in a completely different way, I show a manipulative grifter taking advantage of a situation and I bring an insight as to what in my opinion, was a chancer using every trick in the book to try and engineer a situation that she could profit from.

Youtuber MAMA AFRICA MUSLIMAH is very skilled in her tactics, but I am equally skilled at detecting them. She might be able to hoodwink the average person, but having spent the past 5 years around grifters and professional truth twisters I can spot a fraud when I see one.

This is a long and drawn out dissection of the entire interaction and by the end of it I hope you will see things in a different light, even if ultimately you may not agree with me. I am not here to change your mind, just offer a different perspective, it is up to you what you do with that information.

Some people will be on the side of 'ma rights, ma rights', others will be on the side of 'common decency and respect for your fellow human', sadly in this video these two ethos are put to the test which results in the unbelievable lawsuit that is trying to be launched off the back of it.

The final part I want to talk about it the doxing that happened. This lady should not have doxed the other one, what on earth was she thinking? That poor lady had been through enough bullying and now you doxed her too? I am flabbergasted by the whole thing.

flerfspectiveMAMA AFRICA MUSLIMAHkaren

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