PM NarendraModi visited his Lok Sabha constituency; Varanasi on Thursday to inaugurate development works worth over ₹1,500 crore. As per reports, the projects include, a 100-bed model maternal and child health wing at the Institute of Medical Sciences of Banaras Hindu University, multi-level parking facilities, highway projects and tourism projects as well.
While inaugurating several projects in the city, PM Modi said, “The past few months have been very difficult for all of us. But Uttar Pradesh, including Varanasi, faced such a big crisis with full potential. UP’s efforts in dealing with Corona are remarkable and unprecedented."
PM Modi also took a jibe at Samajwadi Party saying, "People of UP have seen a phase too where they faced numerous problems in tackling diseases like encephalitis. Earlier, due to the lack of health facilities & lack of will power even a small crisis would turn ghastly in UP." The Prime Minister further said, “It is not as if schemes were not brought for UP before 2017. But hurdles used to come up in Lucknow. Now Yogi Adityanath is himself working hard. He is quickly moving forward in making a modern UP, there is ‘rule of law’ in UP today."
#NarendraModi #COVID #UttarPradesh #YogiAdityanath #SecondWave
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