This information is not presented as medical recommendation to the audience and is not prescriptive, it is a casual conversation between laypersons about a diet that is working for the guest, Dan Dyer. It's your responsibility to consult with a doctor prior to trying the ketogenic diet.
In a past life, I worked as a deep tissue massage therapist with my dad. I also did some personal training on the side. I found so many people who shared great ideas/information about health. Dan Dyer taught me a lot about the ketogenic diet and this interview encapsulates a lot of what he shared. My hope is that his information clarifies what the ketogenic diet is about and how it can work for you in your weight-loss journey.
What you'll learn about in this video:
-What is ketosis?
-Types of measurements for ketosis (breath, blood, or urine)
-How eating too little can be the reason you're weight-loss is plateauing.
-Intermittent fasting
-Calorie content in a gram of fat
-How your body responds to times of plenty (high-calories), and times of want (low-calories)
You'll be seeing 5 videos about this, basically covering the following:
1. Overview of Ketogenic Dieting
2. Dan's Weight-loss Journey with the Ketogenic Diet/Low-Carb Diet
3. Research About Ketogenic Diet and the Keto Community
4. What Happened to Wheat and Toxins in Foods
5. What is Ketosis (an open discussion)?
I don't use the keto diet myself, but I believe each diet brings a certain success to each person and think this can get you started on the right path.
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My Linkedin is my blog, my professional profile/resume, and shares the latest on what's happening with me. I post primarily about sales, manufacturing, finance, and life success generally.
Follow me here for more Mentee (me) interviews with my mentors (Dan and others). I share what I learn from people with perspective on life so that you can benefit as well!
Watch for my first book which will be an eBook and discuss sales. There will be an eCourse associated to build upon the principles you will learn.