5 Star Mars Single-Player With an Odd Load-Out | CyberSphere Online

5 Star Mars Single-Player With an Odd Load-Out | CyberSphere Online

Before this video, I played with the build I used in this video in Mars Survival. I managed to accidentally get 5 stars on Mars which I wasn't expecting. I decided to replay Mars Survival with the same build to make this video.

Sniper Rifle Mark 2 is a weapon that is underestimated in CyberSphere Online: All Primary Weapons' Statistics & Ranking due to its low DPS. After skimming through some generic CyberSphere TPS videos, players use sniper rifles at short range in non-PvP which isn't the best way to utilize sniper rifles. Support Sniper MK-1X is also relatively underrated. Ethan Chiu slept on SniperXs by calling them "just disgusting". This video brings back to Wolfpakz's comment, "what if the support sniper MK-1X used a weaker version of the Smart Rifle." Thing about snipers is that they have an overly large range & have next to no spread. The players aren't using their range & accuracy to their advantage. If the player uses the snipers' range & accuracy to their advantage, they can make the enemies chase rather than them chasing the enemies. When the enemies chase, their attacks are "going with the grain" therefore you have more time to dodge attacks. The explosive bots have less time to explode on the player & their supports on top of that. However, the player needs a large map to utilize the snipers' range, making the sniper builds map-specific. I still prefer the high DPS weapons & support as they are not map-specific.

Explosive Bot Launcher is actually not a terrible weapon in non-PvP. EBL is strong against slow-firing enemies. The bot from EBL can act as an alternative to Lure Drones. EBL can waste the slow-firing enemies' attacks & activate their long firing cooldown. The more the slow-firing enemies miss the longer the disruption lasts. Due to that, it can act as a disruption weapon. For bosses & close-range enemies, EBL can stall them as they can target explosive bots. EBL is weak to Laser Hovertanks due to their rapid damage, fast projectile speed, & high uptime on their laser beam attack. Railgun was used as EBL cannot be used as a reliable AoE weapon.

Cybersphere MK-1X is just used due to its Laser Cannons' high range, projectile speed, & Cs MK-1X's high speed.

Gameplay Speed: 3.8x
Diamonds Spent on Repairs: 2

Proof that I got 5 Stars:

How to Guarantee 5 Stars on Every Map:
Reach to Wave 40.

My Incomplete Spreadsheet about the statistics in CyberSphere Online including Abbreviations and Term Definitions. It would be nice if you contribute by making suggestions using comments.

CyberSphere Online Definitions and Abbreviations

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Leaked Video Ideas: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P-rgxzHs4iMBcfqDfpdotE0Tp4DKcXKnfU5fWa88YEA/edit?usp=sharing

1. TheFatRat & JJD - Prelude (VIP Edit)

2. Song: Elektronomia - Energy [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/energy
Watch: http://youtu.be/fzNMd3Tu1Zw

3. Asketa & Natan Chaim x Requenze x M.I.M.E - Warriors (Instrumental) [NCS Release]
Song: Asketa & Natan Chaim x Requenze x M.I.M.E - Warriors [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/Warriors
Watch: http://youtu.be/dVWlxP_Iu-4

4. Egzod, EMM - Game Over (Instrumental) [NCS Release]
Song: Egzod, EMM - Game Over [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Free Download/Stream: http://NCS.io/GameOver
Watch: http://youtu.be/shw7xIzGX5o

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