The 54 Day Rosary Novena consists of five decades of the Rosary each day for 27 days in petition; then immediately five decades each day for 27 days in thanksgiving, whether or not the request has been granted.
On the first day meditate on the Joyful Mysteries; on the
second day the Sorrowful Mysteries; on the third day the Glorious Mysteries and on the fourth day the Luminous Mysteries; and so on throughout the 54 days. So today's rosary mysteries may not coincide with the mysteries for the day. This is okay! We keep this schedule.
Look upon each Hail Mary as a rare and beautiful rose which you lay at Mary’s feet. These spiritual roses, bound in a wreath with Spiritual Communions, will be a most pleasing and acceptable gift to
her and will bring down upon you special graces. Timestamps below.
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The timestamps for each mystery:
00:00:00 - Opening prayers
00:03:47 - Agony in the Garden - 1st decade
00:09:13 - Scourging at the Pillar - 2nd decade
00:14:42 - Crowning with Thorns - 3rd decade
00:20:08 - Carrying of the Cross - 4th decade
00:25:26 - Crucifixion - 5th decade
00:30:51 - Spiritual Communion
00:31:36 - Hail Holy Queen & Closing Prayer
00:32:48 - Litany of Mary
00:38:05 - Prayer to St. Joseph
00:39:05 - The Memorare Prayer
00:39:41 - St. Michael Prayer