The Fancy Pants Adventures: Classic Pack is on Steam!
WISHLIST NOW ► https://store.steampowered.com/app/1668460/The_Fancy_Pants_Adventures_Classic_Pack/
Let's plays ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWlKhlOZGxlHvEaySPDF0aw
Welcome to the next installment of my Undertale "Gaster Eggs" videos! No, this video has nothing to do with Gaster. It's more of a branding thing at this point, so people know that it's a part of that same "series", and is done in the same comprehensive style.
This installment is mostly focused on things found in and directly around the town of Snowdin. I go outside of that slightly, and even had to exclude something rather large still. How is there possible so much stuff packed in this game!!?
If anyone on the planet wasn't somehow convinced of that, check out some of my other in-depth Undertale/Deltarune videos:
Sans Theory ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQEGp6fe1FY&list=PLm8EfLP6ncZTB576CUOEX1DmC0mPjhwXo&index=3&t=2251s
Hidden Gaster info ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcfkAuUp8kQ&list=PLm8EfLP6ncZTB576CUOEX1DmC0mPjhwXo&index=2&t=777s
ALL Deltarune Gaster Eggs ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEQfOmpbieE&list=PLm8EfLP6ncZTB576CUOEX1DmC0mPjhwXo&index=1&t=3752s
Undertale is packed to the brim with secrets, easter eggs, alternate route dialogues and options. I did my best to share every single one that can be found in the Ruins. Please let me know if I missed anything!
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