바이든 "한국, 아프간과 근본 차이…침략 당하면 미국 대응"
Our top story this morning.
On the defensive following a rocky few days after a heavily-criticized troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, U.S. President Joe Biden has clarified his position on defending Washington's numerous allies around the world, including South Korea.
He insists the situation in Afghanistan cannot be compared to that of other countries with a U.S. troop presence.
Jang Tae-hyun reports.
U.S. President Joe Biden is insisting that Washington's allies like South Korea, Taiwan and European countries are fundamentally different from Afghanistan... in terms of U.S. security commitment, and don't have to worry despite the developments seen over the past few days.
He made the remarks during an interview with ABC that aired in the U.S. on Wednesday, local time.
His comments come as concerns are rising over Biden's decision to suddenly pull American troops out of Afghanistan... which was quickly retaken by the Taliban.
President Biden claimed there's a fundamental difference between Taiwan, South Korea and NATO... adding the U.S. has made agreements with those with a unity government,... not based on a civil war.
Biden stressed the U.S. is trying to keep "bad guys" from doing bad things to them.
He also emphasized that the U.S. has kept every commitment it has given to its allies.
President Biden noted how the White House made a sacred commitment to NATO's Article Five,... which means if anyone invades or takes action against another NATO member, the U.S. will respond.
That goes for South Korea as well.
President Biden's remarks come after a statement made this week by the U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan.
Sullivan said the Biden administration has no intention of reducing U.S. troop presence in South Korea or Europe, adding their security commitments to their allies and partners are sacrosanct and have always been so.
Jang Tae-hyun, Arirang News.
#Biden #Afghanistan #Allies
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2021-08-20 07:00 (KST)