There are a bunch of 🔥 EX and Gold Star Pokemon cards to pull in these 2006 vintage Packs. I'm opening pack 2 of a 3-pack Blister featuring EX Holon Phantoms and Team Rocket Returns. Can we pull the Gold Star Gyarados?
What is your favorite card from the EX era? Let me know in the comments below.
Watch this #shorts video next:
⭐️Chasing Gold Star Pikachu in EX Holon Phantoms Blister: https://youtu.be/bcJCGLJpIIc
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😃12 Pokemon Pack Opening Style - Which is Best?: https://youtu.be/Ohl6I_6yPrQ
😲 Opening a box with a weird and strange Pokemon Card: https://youtu.be/FcLhlcjpduk
🧪 Chasing MewTUBE in Shining Legends packs: https://youtu.be/Gld9E_KKCbg
🔥 Pulling fire from Eevee Heroes: https://youtu.be/t_XczMxEPHg
😲 Eeveelutions I bet you've never seen: https://youtu.be/_VhvBPkNAgM
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Pat Flynn
10531 4S Commons Dr STE 524
San Diego, CA 92127