Devotional : Hope in being Sought, John 21:4

Devotional : Hope in being Sought, John 21:4

Dating has a lot of ups and downs. On the upside of dating is the joy of attraction, the pursuit. It’s deeply flattering and emotionally exhilarating when someone shows interest in us, laughs at our jokes, and acts as though we’re the only person on earth! Likewise, finding someone wonderfully refreshing, interesting, and cute is stimulating. On the downside, when someone loses interest in us, the pain of rejection is hard to recover from. This demonstrates our deep desire to be loved unconditionally.

Jesus demonstrates this kind of unfailing love to Peter and the disciples in today’s passage. Never mind that the disciples walked with Jesus for three years and watched him do mighty miracles and express a deep and faithful love. Never mind that they abandoned Jesus in his hour of greatest need. Never mind that they were witnesses to his resurrection; a dead guy came back to life!

Sadly, the disciples ditched the mission and went fishing. They followed Peter’s lead: the one who betrayed Jesus even though he vehemently promised never to do so. Rejection. And still, Jesus pursues them. He appears to them and calls out to them. His question reveals their need for him. Jesus is inviting them to a greater abundance!

God pursues us because we NEED HIM. Not because we deserve Him. Not because we have done it all right. Not because we’re amazing. But, because we cannot be who he created us to be, nor can we do what he planned for us to do without Him. So, he pursues us, always, sacrificially. While we were sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8).

This week, let us be attentive to his loving pursuit: his seeking for us when we hide, run away, or try to escape his perfect love and instruction. His love is incredible! For I am convinced that if we stopped running away from His love, we will be better equipped to share it with others.

I hope this week's devotional helps you. Please consider sharing it with your community!


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