Exercise and Foods to reduce allergy and asthma in tamil | Doctor Karthikeyan
#Exercise || #food || #allergy || #asthma || #doctorkarthikeyan || #tamil
In this video how to reduce allergy and how to reduce symptoms of asthma using appropriate exercise and food is explained clearly by doctor karthikeyan in tamil. Allergy due to dust and pollen can be easily controlled by using appropriate exercise and foods. The video explains clearly in tamil about controlling and reducing allergy by demonstrating aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise and yoga exercises.The concept is also explained using diagrammatic representation of lungs, heart and kidney by doctor karthikeyan in tamil.
Doctor Karthikeyan MBBS., MD (Community Medicine)
Dr Karthikeyan MBBS., MD (Community Medicine)
Email: karthikspm@gmail.com
Website: https://www.doctorkarthikeyan.com
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