I ALMOST DIED in my Hardcore Minecraft Series... (#9)

I ALMOST DIED in my Hardcore Minecraft Series... (#9)

I ALMOST DIED in my Hardcore Minecraft Series on the brand new 1.17.1 Caves & Cliffs update on Minecraft! This is my Hardcore Minecraft Lets Play Series Episode 9!
πŸ”₯ Watch the entire series starting with Ep. #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcXjLUMrnv0&list=PLqyCqmSEa8cTCIGr9Q4XofgKnIxX_vRbP

πŸ“Ί I Transformed the OCEAN into an AXOLOTL ISLAND (#8): https://youtu.be/lDsco7hXbeg

πŸ“Ί I Found 200 of the RAREST Axolotl in Minecraft Hardcore (#7): https://youtu.be/STkIayB6HOA

This is episode #9 of my Vanilla Hardcore Minecraft Lets Play Series and I am playing on the new 1.17.1 Caves and Cliffs update on Minecraft! Welcome to Episode 9 - this episode I ALMOST DIED in my Hardcore Minecraft Series! I also designed an amazing nether portal room!

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》Video Inspiration @WadZee @DanTDM
》Minecraft 1.17.1 Update: Caves & Cliffs (Minecraft Hardcore Mode)

Thank you so much for watching this video and supporting me as a content creator! It has always been my childhood dream to entertain millions and to create an amazing community of people. Support me more by watching my other videos! Cookie Army! πŸͺ❀️

#minecraft #hardcoreminecraft #letsplayseries

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