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Red & Black Dragon Orgonite created by Michele from Wing & Bell: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BellsWingandBell?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=803411508§ion_id=30618591
Decks used in this reading:
Signs from Spirit Love Oracle by Mystic Moon (Me)
US Purchasing: https://www.mysticmoonoracles.com/listing/246569554/signs-from-spirit-love-oracle-by-mystic
International Purchasing: https://www.printerstudio.com/sell/designs/signs-from-spirit-love-oracle.html
Divine Feminine Healing by Mystic Moon (Me)
US Purchasing: https://www.mysticmoonoracles.com/listing/825408987/divine-feminine-healing-oracle-by-mystic
International Purchasing: https://www.printerstudio.com/sell/designs/the-divine-feminine-healing-oracle.html
Charm Cards by Mystic Moon (Me)
US Purchasing: https://www.mysticmoonoracles.com/listing/860120736/charm-cards-oracle-by-mystic-moon-ships
International Purchasing: https://www.printerstudio.com/sell/designs/charm-cards-oracle.html
Earth & Sky Oracle by Mystic Moon (Me)
US Purchasing: https://www.mysticmoonoracles.com/listing/1003417198/earth-sky-oracle-created-by-mystic-moon
International Purchasing: https://www.printerstudio.com/sell/designs/earth-sky-oracle.html
Universal Heart Oracle by Angelic Revelation 144: https://www.makeplayingcards.com/sell/marketplace/universal-heart-oracle.html
Soul Trees Oracle & Tarot: https://www.soul-trees.com/
Thanks for Watching :)