I (29F) have been with my fiancé (30M) who I’ll call D for 10yrs. We are supposed to get married in the fall. We don’t currently live together and last week we met with a financial advisor (I’ve been working with him for 6 years personally, my fiancé has never spoken to anyone about finances so we picked him as I trust him already) to talk about combining assets as we plan on completely sharing finances.
I was worried I’d be bringing very little to the table. I finished my specialized training last year, so I’ve either been a full time student with no actual income or making a very small salary that hardly covered my bills since high school. I basically have my car and minimal savings, but I have paid off all my debt. I currently make about 75% of D’s income. D’s been working for the last 6 years in a very well paying job so I figured he’d have more assets.
His finances were so terrible my advisor actually called to speak to me after our meeting to tel me to keep my finances separate from D’s. The reason is that D is essentially supporting 7 other adults- his parents and 5 siblings (4 are adults). His parents had 7 kids and can’t support them on one minimum wage income- they had a lot of government aid but now that the kids are adults that’s stopped. I knew D helped out when his siblings were younger, I thought it was admiral that he was willing to help ensure his siblings had a decent home to live in.
Story 1:
AITA for not sharing a bank account?
Story 2:
AITA for not letting my roommate's new girlfriend in my home?
Story 3:
AITA for walking out of my sister's birthday gathering after she announced her engagement?
Story 4:
AITA: My mom wants me to breakup with my boyfriend after we found out that my stepsister loves him too.
#AITA #Relationship #Dating