Mortal Kombat Legends Battle of the Realms - Scorpion VS Shinnok Teaser Clip!
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Mortal Kombat Legends Battle of the Realms drops in 1 week and in this video, we'll be going over an all new clip that just dropped this afternoon! In this clip, we'll see Scorpion in the NetherRealm facing off against Shinnok! Personally, each one of these new clips gets me more hyped for this movie. I'm really hoping we continue to get more installments in the future! Anyways, what do you all think of this? Are you guys excited to see this movie in a few weeks? Let me know! With that said, drop a like, leave a comment, and subscribe for everything MK and Mortal Kombat 11!
Click here for the article cited in the video:
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