#diislandfamily #mixedcouple #longdistancerelationship
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Afrik I Music Channel: https://youtu.be/Cm_keLEV0q4
Maria Vlog Channel: https://youtube.com/user/Argentinemujer
Afrik I Vlog Channel: https://youtube.com/c/IslandboyAfriki
Maria INSTAGRAM - https://instagram.com/latina_chillz?igshid=10eeihu2226
Afrik I INSTAGRAM #1- https://instagram.com/afrik_i?igshid=dpi2f43a5ztd
Afrik I INSTAGRAM #2 - https://instagram.com/islandboy_afrik_i?igshid=18uehs55cjnul
Baby Island INSTAGRAM - https://instagram.com/baby_island_smith?igshid=nftlw11tpm1b
Go Stream My Latest Single (Afrik I - Hold on Me) -
MusicalHeatwave Records /Zion studios
Streaming on All Digital Platforms
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/0wRd2W26WQkkFwTFiX2duh?si=WC6RN5QmQ8-o1xeDcGauYw
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/au/album/hold-on-me-single/1566778339
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B094H92385/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_AGZ1HFZ61YNAHS2D67K8
About Afrik I
Raised in Portland , on the beautiful island of Jamaica, the Fisherman now a Talented Singer who is ready to share his talents with the world!!
The New Single by Afrik I is released on May 21 on all Digital platforms.
Contact musicalheatwave@gmail.com for more or for Business/promo
Riddim track produced by ©️flotheproducer
Riddim Track Licensed by©️flotheproducer for Musicalheatwave usage/permission granted
Instagram: @musicalheatwaveradio
About Musicalheatwave
Musical Heatwave is focused on bringing you black entertainment related information. Keen to highlight talent in all its many forms, aiding those who have the skills and creativity but not the resources to showcase their gifts to the world.
Musicalheatwave has put the spotlight on rising UK stars such as Mobo award winning UK stars including Akala and Jadan Lee.Gappy Ranks.Ras Sherby/Richie Davis/ Lady Lex and more, But just as creativity is not limited to one area of life Musical Heatwave features the players behind the scene, Producers,Engineers, Video Makers, Sound System Operators,Club owners,Promoters as well as Literature and Art in upcoming programmes with its signature musical vibe.
http;//www.musicalheatwave.com. http://musicalheatwave.uk