Pitbull Raises 3 Times The Amount They Needed For Struggling Family! Such A beautiful Thing!

Pitbull Raises 3 Times The Amount They Needed For Struggling Family! Such A beautiful Thing!

Our goal is to change the narrative on bully breeds they are such sweet souls that get such a bad rap from us humans. No dog is born aggressive!!

We took over the money we raised from GoFundMe and blessed this family!!

Products we use if you want to try for your pup or if you'd like to support Zeusy. Either way it helps support my sweet guy!

First link is our merchandise!!
https://amzn.to/35cvGe0 Dog Peanut Butter
https://amzn.to/2L7HF5D Dog Sweet Potato treats
https://amzn.to/3pR2oJF Dental Breath Treats

For those that would like to give Zeusy a gift here is his Amazon wish list https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/322PG7D66Z7GU?ref_=wl_share

If you would like to mail Zeusy a gift Please attach a note or something so we know who the gifts are coming from and we can respond!

8545 W. Warm Springs Rd. Ste A-4 Sp.157
Las Vegas, NV 89113
Chris or Zeusy Perry

Show some love on his social medias as well and let's help this world understand how mistreated and misunderstood these dogs are
Instagram: http://instagram.com/zeusythepittbull
Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJWPredC/

For all collaboration inquiries please email me at krsperry79@gmail.com

Thank you for all the love and support and being the reason we give these beautiful animals a better name!!
#pets #animals #dog

Zeusy the Pittyzeusypitty

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