The SafeMoon blockchain, exchange, EOS and WAX bridges, SafeMoon Token V2 and Operation Pheonix timelines have been confirmed in the SafeMoon Sunday AMA! In this important SafeMoon update, I discuss the SafeMoon dev team working on the SafeMoon wallet to push a new APK soon. I discuss what it all means for the future of SafeMoon, the Gambia and the progress that the SafeMoon core team made there, and the confirmed SafeMoon Wallet date of end of August on the 28th! I discuss whale dominance and what the price would be like without whales and the what the SafeMoon whales are doing.
Will SafeMoon reach 1 cent? When will SafeMoon be 1 cent? I can't tell you exactly. But, what I can tell you is most up to date SafeMoon news and other updates on SafeMoon!
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DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a financial advisor and this is NOT financial advice. Invest at your own risk and NEVER invest what you can't afford to lose!
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