Pastor Leroy Armstrong Sermon: A PLEASING WALK OF FAITH
What is it that Pleases GOD? It is a Pleasing walk of Faith. Join Pastor Leroy as he introduces his audience to how we can please god through our Faith.
PROCLAIM: Preaching Coaching
Pastor Leroy Armstrong Jr is a gifted teacher and a preacher with a passion for grooming proclaimers of God’s word. A graduate of the University of Kansas and Dallas Theological Seminary, Pastor Armstrong has lectured and taught on preaching for over 25 years at many colleges and conferences.
Pastor is one of the nation's most sought-after Preaching Coaches and teachers. His PROCLAIM Preaching Coaching course is most for every proclaimer of God’s word. This 18+ hours of hands-on training is available to current and future preachers, Bible Study leaders any person interested in pursuing a life proclaiming God’s word.
PROCLAIM: Preaching Coaching
Training topics include:
• Preparing & Repairing Proclaimers
• Researching the Biblical Text
• Mastering Communication Matters
• Applying the Bible for Life Change
• Learning from the Masters
• Using Illustrations, Images, & Imagination
• 2 Sermon Review Labs
• and more...
Register today for a FREE preview session and meet with Pastor Armstrong
Learn more: www.proclaimpreachingcoach.com
Purchase Pastor Armstrong highly acclaimed NEW Book;
DISRUPTION: Resetting Your Life’s Purpose.
Read an Excerpt here: www.disruptionresettingyourlifespurpose.com
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Facebook: @ProclaimingTheWordMinistries
Twitter: @LeroyRArmstrong