In this ark survival evolved creatures guide I will show tell you all there is to know about the therizinosaur in ark survival evolved. The therizinosaur can harvest wood, fiber in large amounts and is able to harvest rare mushrooms and rare flowers too. It is one of the top 10 useful resource creatures in my previous youtube shorts. This is a creature guide for ark and will tell you how to fight and tame the therizinosaur, how to survive the therizinosaur and what to level on the therizinosaur. For farming wood and resources, level weight and melee harvesting. Level up delicate harvesting on t he therizinosaur to receive the effect. The therizinosaur is one of the best tames to have in ark and is one of the top 10 resource creatures in ark. This ark tame is definitely worth getting during your first 100 days in ark the island.