There have been many studies published that suggest the best way to train your brain and increase your IQ is with puzzles and riddles. Subscribe to BrainTicklers and find your daily mind workout. Exercise your brain to keep your mind sharp.
#brainticklers #puzzle #quiz
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Graphics Resources Attributions:
BrainTicklers Logo-
Logo Image: brain-5544723_1920.png, Image by Roger YI from Pixabay
Logo Font: FunLogo generated at https://cooltext.com/Logos
Thumbnail Font 1: ge-body-font.zip, Ge Body Font by LJ Design Studios
Licensed as GPL via https://instagram.com/lj.design and https://www.fontspace.com/ge-body-font-f24995
Thumbnail Font 2: vuldo-font.zip, Vuldo Italic by Khurasan
Licensed as Freeware via https://www.fontspace.com/khurasan and https://www.creativefabrica.com/product/vuldo/ref/53/
Thumbnail Image: bubble-gum-438404_1920.jpg, Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay
Pixabay License: Free for commercial use, No attribution required. https://pixabay.com/service/license/
Puzzle Title Font: DigitaltsOrange-nRAPg.ttf, DigitaltS-Fruits Font (Orange Style)
Designed by gluk at www.glukfonts.pl and is available at https://www.fontspace.com/digitalts-fruits-font-f43037
Licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
This license is available with an FAQ at: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL
Countdown Numbers: Yellow Rounded Number 0 - 9
Created by Ikkin Ledam and downloaded from https://www.clker.com/uploads-163659-1.html
Licensed as Public Domain via https://www.clker.com/disclaimer.html
"Ready", "How Did You Do?" and "Like and Subscribe" screens -
Text credited above as "Logo Font"
Countdown text credited above as "Countdown Numbers"
Brain Ticklers logo credited above as "Logo Image" and "Logo Font"
Puzzle Fonts (Unless individually attributed below):
AbyssinicaSIL-R.ttf, FreeMonoBoldOblique.ttf, FreeSansBoldOblique.ttf, FreeSerifBoldItalic.ttf, FreeMonoBold.ttf, FreeSansBold.ttf,
FreeSerifBold.ttf, FreeMonoOblique.ttf, FreeSansOblique.ttf, FreeSerifItalic.ttf, FreeMono.ttf, FreeSans.ttf,
FreeSerif.ttf, sahadeva.ttf
Standard Ubuntu Linux system fonts, licenced under the Ubuntu Font Licence V1.0 https://ubuntu.com/legal/font-licence
Puzzle: What Number Is This? -
Graphics resources credited in the "General" section, above along with:
Roman SD Regular (roman_sd_regular.ttf) Font by Steve Deffeyes at http://www.fontineed.com/author/Steve%20Deffeyes
Puzzle: What Animal Is This? -
Graphics resources credited in the "General" section (above) and also:
peacock-butterfly-1526939_1920.jpg, Image by kie-ker from Pixabay
Pixabay License: Free for commercial use, No attribution required. https://pixabay.com/service/license/
Puzzle: Which way does the scale tip? -
Graphics resources credited in the "General" section (above) all others created by brainticklers.