A video showing a VERY shaky approach into Paro, Bhutan followed by a ROUGH landing has been going viral on social media the last few days. I had a look at it and here comes my thoughts and reaction to it.
The video is showing a Boeing 737-300 freighter bringing vaccines into Paro on the 12th of July, 2021.
I know this is NOT up to my normal editing standards and thats because my editor Dominic was busy editing Tomorrows release. So I had to do this quickly on my own. 😆
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Below you will find the links to videos and sources used in this episode. Enjoy checking them out!
The Aviation Herald article : https://avherald.com/h?article=4eb4e975&opt=0
Bhutan AIP for Paro Airport including plates: https://www.doat.gov.bt/aipp/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/AIP-AMD-01-2018.pdf
Fox One channel: A319 Druk air approach rwy 33, Paro : https://youtu.be/Kc-3GT8CbUo
Coluna Manche channel: Unstabilized approach Paro https://youtu.be/u1QqQwvoA4Q