This clip is from Harold Klemp’s 1997 talk “The Window of Heaven—Your ECK Initiation.” For more stories of inspiration, or for information on other spiritual topics, please visit http://www.Eckankar.org.
In our society today, parents forget to discipline their children because they do not understand divine love. Divine love recognizes the rule that you do not invade another person’s property without their permission.
On a ball field there are rules and boundary lines. If you’re playing a game of softball or baseball in a field where nothing is marked—the batter’s box isn’t marked, the pitcher’s mound isn’t marked, first base, second, third base isn’t marked—you can still do OK. You can estimate the distance to first base and say, “We’ll use that tree as a boundary.” But you’re still using a boundary.
If the ball falls fair and nobody catches it, you have a chance to go to a base, to advance. The same thing happens spiritually. If you follow the spiritual law, if you hit within bounds, you advance.
But what if you hit a pop-up, a blooper, and someone catches it—meaning someone catches a blooper of yours at work? Maybe you have a bad reaction to it. Instead of saying, “Oh, thank you for showing me that; I’ll try to do better,” you carry a grudge. You say, “What right has that person to come in here and tell me that? They make mistakes too.” Or what if you hit a ball completely out of bounds and then you try to run around the bases anyway? You’re not going to be playing the game right, and nobody will play with you. You’re going to find out that you’re all by yourself. You’re one of those loners in society.
A lot of parents try to teach their children how to grow up without putting boundary lines down on the ground.
Basketball courts have lines. Football fields have lines. Highways have lines. Everything has lines. But some people will not draw lines with their children. They wonder, "Why is the crime rate so high? Why are drugs rampant in our society?". . .
Some parents don’t understand this; they’re all full of gushy love, which they mistake for divine love. But it’s without boundaries. Their children grow up not knowing boundaries, not knowing where other people’s freedom starts, where other people’s property begins. You don’t go there unless you have their permission. That’s how it works.
Many people today don’t understand that, because they don’t understand the spiritual law. You cannot go into another person’s space without that person’s permission.
You may say, “My space is the whole world.”
Not so fast! Your freedom ends where another person’s begins.
This is hard to deal with. The more crowded earth becomes, the more
crowded a country becomes, the more crowded a workplace becomes, or the more crowded a cabin becomes, the more likely it is that there will be hard feelings. Suddenly the freedom or space of one person gets dangerously close to the private space of another person.
People need people. We are here to work these things out. It’s part of this world; it’s part of the spiritual life. There is no victim. There’s a lot of victim consciousness, but there is no victim.
Everyone earns what he gets. Like it or not, that is the Law of Love.
The Law of Love helps soften the hardened heart. Often there’s no harder heart than that of a victim to some facet of life. It’s hard like a walnut shell. And how do you get through? Divine Spirit will. . .
How does love show up?
The Window of Heaven—the ECK initiation. Your initiation carries a great responsibility, but it also gives the ability to open your heart to life around you and to all of God’s creatures.