Cassidee - Erlangga English Speech Contest 2021 - Why do we need to exercise regularly?

Cassidee - Erlangga English Speech Contest 2021 - Why do we need to exercise regularly?

- Why do we need to exercise regularly? -

Good morning, everybody! I'm Cassidee. I'm a fourth-grader from Logos school.
Today, I want to talk about an action that we can do to make our bodies and mentality healthier. It will help us improve our daily life. Does anyone know what it is? Yes! It's exercise. We need to exercise regularly. But why? Let's find out some reasons for this!

1. Exercise increases energy levels. It improves both the strength and the efficiency of our cardiovascular system to get oxygen and nutrients to our muscles. When our cardiovascular system works better, everything seems easy, and we will have more energy.
2. Exercise help us to maintain a healthy weight and promote healthy growth. Our growth is a continuous process. The more we exercise, the more calories we burn and the higher our metabolic rate becomes.
3. Exercise improves our posture. Having a poor posture can give us fatigue, back and neck pain, or even headaches. We must avoid slouching all the time.
4. Exercise improves our balance, flexibility, and strength that are necessary for our everyday life. Staying active keeps muscles strong, allow us to move and avoid injury.
5. Exercise helps us concentrate and improve our thinking skills. Do you know that by doing exercise we can improve our academic achievements? Wow! It's amazing! Everybody agrees with me, right? Exercise increases blood flow and the oxygen level in the brain. It helps our brain work at maximum capacity by causing our nerve cells to multiply and strengthening our nerve cells interconnections which can protect them from being damaged.
6. Exercise is good for our heart. It reduces LDL cholesterol (the type that clogs our arteries), increases good cholesterol, and reduces blood pressure.
7. Active people tend to sleep better. Physical activity makes us tired, so we are ready to sleep. Sleep is important because it enables the body to repair and be fit and ready for another day.
8. Keeping fit and doing exercise can reduce some effects of aging.
9. Exercise helps develop social skills and make friends. We can consider doing exercise in a group. We can join some sports team! It can provide a chance to make some new friends and learn how to work with others as a team.

There are still many other reasons that you can add to my list above.
God created our bodies perfectly. He wants us to take good care of it. Doing exercise is a way to do His commandments, how we take good care of His creation, our bodies.
So, let's always remember to do exercise regularly. Keep on doing exercise. Playing outdoors is the simplest way to exercise! Running, jumping, throwing a ball, and catching a ball. They are so much fun! Let's leave our gadget, our routine, our activity for a while. Go outside and enjoy our exercise. Last but not least: "Mens Sana in Corpore Sano" which means there will be a healthy mind in a healthy body.
Don't forget to exercise, don't stop doing exercise!

Thank you and stay healthy!

Thanks for watching this video 📹 😀

See you guys next time 💕 👋

exercise regularlywhy do you have to exercise regularlyfunction exercise

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