कण कणमा आँफैलाई पाउनुको आनन्द Find yourself Everywhere !
विहाय निजदेहस्थं सर्वत्रास्मीति भावयन् ।
दृढेन मनसा दृष्ट्या नान्येक्षिण्या सुखी भवेत्
vihāya nijadehāsthāṃ sarvatrāsmīti bhāvayan |
dṛḍhena manasā dṛṣṭyā nānyekṣiṇyā sukhī bhavet ||103
आँफैं भित्र हजारौं नदी नाला बगेका छन् हामी भित्रैको नदिमा डुबुल्कि मारौं ।
म जन्मिनु अगाडि पनि थिए छु र हुनेछु । शरीरको सिमिततामा हैन ,ब्रम्हाण्डको विशालतामा फैलिएको हुँं म । म अनन्तमा फैलिएको छु । म शरीर मात्र हैन । भ्रुण अघि पनि थिए र पछि हुनेछु । भोक प्यास , तिर्खा सबै शरीरका हुन्, म भन्ने छैन, केवल बोध छ । While a yogi is eating, for example, he’ll say to himself, “I am aware that I am eating … I am aware that I am tasting something sweet.” He doesn’t dive into the taste—rather, he is a little apart from it.
Through this technique, he gradually becomes detached from all the body’s activities, sensations, feelings, and so on. He is aware that things are happening, but he’s untouched by them. He’s free from the movement of the waves of sensations, thoughts, and so on that pass over him. He’s the calm center of the storm that rages all around him.(Acharaya Rajna Sharma)
##VigyanBhairaBaTantra ##AcharyaRajanSharma