Good things in Islam with Armin Navabi of Atheist Republic
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0:00 Introductions
1:23 The blasphemous art project.
6:40 Strategy to tackle theist VS rights when it comes to blasphemy.
10:23 Is Armin Muslim again? - Responding to comments in the chat.
13:04 What is good about Islam? Is there any utility in understanding Islam?
22:10 How is Armin’s argument for the utility of understanding the mythology of religions different from Jordan Peterson’s?
33:24 Abdullah Sameer’s take on Jordan Peterson’s take on mythology and truth
35:25 Viewing Islam as nothing more than mythology
37:45 Ibrahim and the story of Hagar and how this myth varies across religions.
47:47 Channel announcements
48:08 Abrahamic religions steal some concepts from Paganism. The power of unifying religions in branding an empire.
51:40 How Islam was used for branding later of the Arab empire
57:40 Studying Islam and other Abrahamic religions from a secular perspective. Muhammad and the Empires of Faith by Dr. Sean Anthony.
1:05:35 The utility of religions when it comes to traditions, not the belief part. Reform VS secularization of religion.
1:17:11 Peter Singer and the utilitarian perspective on creating and enjoying art.
1:20:03 Reform VS secularization of religion (continued).
1:26:18 Channel announcements - Blasphemous art
1:27:25 Responding to comments in the chat - Islam depends heavily on the submission of women
1:28:50 Are humans religious by nature?
1:30: 28 Does Islam and other Abrahamic faiths promote family structure?
1:37:07 Did Khadijah have many husbands? Is Islam similar to Christianity
1:38:44 Is Islam effective in reducing suicide in a society?
1:49:30 Islam’s use of power to establish political structures. The intolerance of monotheistic religions.
2:01:29 More comments - Is Islam Egalitarian?
2:05:09 Atheist Republic and Armin’s personal channel and newsletter.
2:12:10 Strikes on Abdullah’s main channel and Atheist Republic.
2:20:16 Final remarks.