[HINDI] How to find Resources | Art of Googling | Self Learning Basics

[HINDI] How to find Resources | Art of Googling | Self Learning Basics

Hello everyone. In this video I am continuing my Self Learning series where I am sharing my tips to pursue self education efficiently. This video will cover how to find the right resources to study from? We all use Google but ever heard of google dorks? How to efficiently refine search results to get the exact content you want? I will teach you the art of googling from basics.
You can learn everything for free, just by spending some time and energy over exploring things for yourself. You will learn a lot beyond the content you are searching for, being self dependent, wisdom for judgment of right and wrong, search trends of people, industry trend, market scope, how professional hacking really works and how it differs from what you are trying to find, cyber security business, and lot more.

Some useful checklist apps for your Android phone:

1. Microsoft To Do
2. Any.do
3. Google Tasks
4. Todoist
5. Evernote

If you want to learn Ethical Hacking in Hindi, I have made a course:
Complete Ethical Hacking Bundle: https://products.bittentechsolutions.in/courses/techhacker-ehcs-bundle/
Total Enrolled: 200+
Part-1, TechHacker Pre-Hacking: https://products.bittentechsolutions.in/courses/techhacker-prehacking-course/
Total Enrolled: 500+
Part-2, TechHacker Exploitation: https://products.bittentechsolutions.in/courses/techhacker-exploitation-course/
Total Enrolled: 300+
Part-3, TechHacker Advanced: https://products.bittentechsolutions.in/courses/techhacker-advanced-course/
Total Enrolled: 100+

If you want to learn Python programming in Hindi, I have made a course on Udemy:
Python for Beginners | Learn Python Programming in Hindi:
Total Enrolled: 17000+

If you want to learn Bash Scripting and Shell Programming for Automation in Hindi, I have made a course:
Bash for Beginners | Learn Shell Scripting for Automation:
Total Enrolled: 100+


Official Website: https://bittentechsolutions.in

Follow this link to join my Telegram Channel: https://t.me/bittentech

Follow me on Twitter : https://twitter.com/techhacker98

Follow me on Instagram : https://instagram.com/ansh.98


If you liked my video, please don't forget to press the like button and SUBSCRIBE to my youtube channel. I will be posting videos on cyber security, ethical hacking and technology. Also some interesting tricks and techniques very soon so stay tuned and thanks for watching....:-)

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