⏱️ A hard drive can last a long time, but it's important to realize that they could still fail at any moment.
HDD lifespan
Traditional spinning magnetic-platter hard drives can last for many years, as reported in data center studies. While failure rates do increase over time, they remain relatively low during the useful life of the computer containing the drive. Regardless of the expected lifespan, it’s critical to assume it’ll fail at any time and be prepared with backups, so as not to lose any data.
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✅ Watch next ▶ How to Use Old HDDs as External Drives ▶ https://youtu.be/TVC_3r3ezBY
0:00 How Long Does a Hard Drive Last?
1:10 Anything can die at any time
2:04 HDD life expectancy
3:12 Pragmatic life expectancy
4:30 SSDs are different
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