The Farm on Route 66 PO Box 357 Joseph City, AZ 86032
Venmo: @The Farm on Route 66
Paypal: avpalmer3@hotmail.com
Training our horses our ponies from the Navajo Reservation - cute mustang ponies - they are the best! It would make us sick - what? find out! We have a big announcement and we need your help! Horse training update on the ponies we took to our cousins home for some training. Cattle drives, round pen work are just a few things being done to work these horses. It's also County Fair time - join us in some small town fun - So many youth have worked so hard on getting their animals ready to show and sell the the auction - well done!
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The Drinking post
Olight Flashlights
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The Farm on Route 66
PO Box 357
Joseph City, AZ