A fireplace or hearth is a structure made of brick, stone or metal designed to contain a fire. Fireplaces are used for the relaxing ambience they create and for heating a room. Modern fireplaces vary in heat efficiency, depending on the design.
Historically, they were used for heating a dwelling, cooking, and heating water for laundry and domestic uses. A fire is contained in a firebox or pit; a chimney or other flue allows exhaust gas to escape. A fireplace may have the following: a foundation, a hearth, a firebox, a mantel; a chimney crane (used in kitchen and laundry fireplaces), a grate, a lintel, a lintel bar, a overmantel, a damper, a smoke chamber, a throat, a flue, and a chimney filter or afterburner. It's a looped video that's perfect for splash screen or background playback!
True white noise essentially creates a blanket of sound that masks these sudden consistency changes. And since white noise is audible, it can also be helpful for people who do not like sleeping in a completely silent environment. White noise has proven particularly effective for hospital patients
A tranquil room may cause the potential listener to stay alert, listening for any trace of sound. The sound of white noise gives the mind something to focus on without the distraction of music or words. It also helps prevent sudden noises during the night from surprising and waking the sleeper.
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