The canopy Music reviews here we take submissions from independent artist that
that have put in their own time and money to form a craft of their own.
and review/react to songs youve never heard before.
submit your songs and have them heard by a growing audience just send it
to the canopy at " thecanopymusicreviews@gmail.com "
doesnt matter if you are the visual artist or the musician as long as you have a part
in the creation we will still play it and review/react to your music or art. every friday we take all of the "S" rank submissions and throw them back onto the canopy
and raise the bar and then we choose our artist of the week to put at the top of the canopy for the following week.
Make sure to like/share/subscribe so you can be active in chat during stream. You never really know what you are going to get
we have a various range of artist sending in music to review and show.