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When You See These Signs | God Wants You To Be Very Careful!
Hey! Welcome to another enlightening video on our channel. I know you must be anticipating what the topic would be, well, I do not plan to keep you in suspense. The topic for today is Everybody is not your friend: Be careful of who you get close to. There is this popular saying that friendship is not by force but by choice. Your choice is important in every relationship you enter into, the only relationship that may not involve your power of choice is your biological family. However, for friendship, you have a choice! You make the decision to be that person’s friend! As an adult you are a sum total of the decision you make and friendship is a decision you make.
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John Locke in his essays made extensive use of the phrase tabula rasa (blank slate). A theory of knowledge was developed on this statement which claims that when a person is born he is a clean slate and his character and personality is developed based on the people around him and how he is trained. This theory emphasises on the importance of human relationships and association to the development of a person’s character. Your friendships affect a lot of things about you, it affects your value systems, your mind set, your scope of influence and much more. That why a popular saying is show me your friend and I will tell you who you are. Whether you like it or not your friendships have a measure of influence over you and that influence may be positive or negative. Your power of choice exists for friendships.
• In life, what growth will do to us is that it would help us to be discerning. Time teaches us a lot of lessons but it is sweeter to learn by other means different from experience. This is why it is important you pay adequate attention to this video.
In life, we have different levels of relationship with each person we meet, some would be acquaintances, some family and some friends. While you do not get to choose the family you are born into, you get to choose your friends.
The truth is a person can pretend to be your friend but deep in their hearts they do not want good for you. It is wise to pay attention to who you allow to get close to you.
How to identify a fake friend
• Your heart is not totally open to them for no reason: Our greatest gift as believers is that we have the Holy Spirit and he speaks to us even on the seeming little things. He speaks through various means and he may sometimes make use of our feelings to speak to us. In terms of unfriendly friends, one means he may choose to speak is through our hearts. You may discover you are struggling with fully opening your heart to a person for no visible reason. It is as if there is a check in your heart keeping you from opening your heart totally to the person. This is many times God’s way of keeping you from being hurt. If we pay attention to the way God speaks to us we would make less mistakes. If you are having this experience where you are struggling with opening your heart totally to a friend, there is a possibility it is because God may be speaking to you about this person. However, before making this assumption, go to God in prayers about the person to figure out maybe there is another reason you are not totally comfortable with that friend. I know of a true life story of a person who was struggling with allowing her friends work for one of her family members, she had no issues with the friends but her heart was just not okay with the arrangement but instead of paying attention to it she went ahead with it. Let me cut the long story short, things did not end so well and she regretted introducing them to the work. This is why paying attention to what is going on your heart is very important especially when there is no physical cause to way you are feeling that way.
• They talk bad about you behind your back: A true friend defends you even in your absence. No matter how sweet a gist is, a true friend should try to paint you in a good light. When you begin to discover your friend is talking bad behind you, you should be wary. This is because it is what is in the heart the mouth speaks, they can not say it if they have not thought of it, at least to an extent. What they say behind you may truly be what they think of you. Loyalty is one of the hallmarks of friendship. A person who speaks badly about you when you are not present can potentially harm you. You do not need all that negative energy around you.