Why do rich people live longer than poor people?
It might sound like a silly question that you already know the answer to.
“Oh they have better access to healthcare” right?
Well no… That’s NOT the biggest factor in places like the united states, Canada, Europe and most developed Asian countries.
Instead there is something more going on here that is less obvious than rich people get treated for all of their illnesses while poor people do not.
Now this is a big deal, multiple studies have found that wealthiest 10% of people in these developed countries live around an extra 10 years more than their less wealthy peers.
What’s more is that they remain disability free for eight to nine years longer than their peers, which means not only are they living longer, they are living better lives.
Now this might sound like a uniquely American issue bit the same top 10% rule has been found to apply to other countries too. Chile is a much poorer country than the United States, but it has a longer life expectancy. That life expectancy is further stretched out by around a decade in the top 10% of wealthiest citizens, so absolute wealth and access to resources isn’t the key factor here.
With talks about retirement ages being pushed back further and further this little statistical anomaly should be something we are all paying very close attention to, because it’s actually something we can learn a lot from.
So it’s time to learn how money works to find out how it can be used to keep you living your best life for an extra decade. A special thanks as always to my channel members and supporters on patreon for making these slightly more controversial video’s possible. "
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