கனவுத் தோட்டம் | பழ மரங்களின் 1 வருட வளர்ச்சி | One year growth of my dream garden fruit trees

கனவுத் தோட்டம் | பழ மரங்களின் 1 வருட வளர்ச்சி | One year growth of my dream garden fruit trees

Bringing the complete coverage of all the trees in my dream garden with their growth details. I have started my garden in 2020 September. With this year September, my garden completes 1 year. Let me share an update on how the fruits trees I started last year. Most of the trees celebrating their first year anniversary in my garden happily.

Check out the video to know the tree growth, the plan for new trees in this 2021 season.

This video covers all the fruit trees, papaya, pomegranate, Indian gooseberry, star gooseberry, sapodilla, all citrus varieties (lemon, citron, sweet lime, orange tree), banana and finally coconut.

#ThottamSiva #FruitTreesGrowth #MyDreamGarden

My dream gardenfruit trees growthone year fruit tree growth

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