I claim no rights to the music used. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
That stack of weakness and running sure carried my 3 stacks of crystals and broken ca config. Yes, this isn't 1080p but my editor won't export 900p (laptop gaming mode).
Clients: HyperLethal 2.20 beta 3, FitHack, Lambda
HyperLethal II discord: https://discord.gg/QCEZBT5UVV
Songs: Technoir (ft Noir Deco) - Perturbator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irY6S3ydUvs
Death Squad - Perturbator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JEcgyVSlmw
Le Perv - Carpenter Brut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYtVf0wvPpc
.tags: 4v1, crystal pvp montage, cpvp montage, crystalpvp tutorial crystalpvp.cc, hvh, minecraft hvh, mc, end crystal dupe, 2b2t, 2b2t.org, 2b2tpvp, 2b2t pvp, end crystal, crystal, minecraft end crystal, fitmc, fit, dupe, 2b2t dupe, 2b2t jp dupe, 2b2t.jp dupe, 5b5t dupe, 2b dupe, end crystal dupe, anvil dupe, china, gaimersecundus, gaimersecondus, hyperlethal ii, crystal pvp pack, crystal pvp texture pack, cpvp pack, cpvp texture pack, burrow, burrow config, 5b5t burrow config, hyperlethal client, crystal pvp client, cpvp client, ca config, hyperlethal 2, hyperlethal ii, hl 2, hl ii, hyper lethal, moonshine, cumermen, 1ahr, aviasales