5 iconic fonts you mustn’t use. Read the description to know why! #shorts #learndesign #uxui

5 iconic fonts you mustn’t use. Read the description to know why!  #shorts #learndesign #uxui


Here are 5 iconic fonts and why you shouldn’t use them:

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1.) Impact - This is one of the most popular header fonts. While it has its positives, it has been misused so often that designers prefer other high-visibility fonts. It’s too thin, too focused and too amateurish to stand out.

2.) Trajan - Trajan has been overused in film posters and other film making material. It’s a good font for occasional uses but it’s getting a little tired as an all-purpose font.

3.) Comic Sans - This font isn’t that bad when used appropriately. However, the corporate world seems to have chosen it for their “Do not enter” signs, product announcements, etc. This font is suitable upto children’s books but not corporate announcements. This is a classic example of good font gone bad due to overuse.

4.) Bradley Hand - This is one classic handwritten font that you might have seen being used in party invitations or gift-shop signage. While they are used to convey some personality, they take the focus away from your content to your taste and might come off as a little inauthentic.

5.) Papyrus - If you have read even a little bit about fonts, it is very unlikely that you didn’t come across a anti-papyrus blog. The font looks childish and even so has found its way from film posters to logos. If you want to be taken seriously, avoid using this font at alk costs.

What other fonts do you tend to avoid to maintain your credibility❓
Let us know in the comments!
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