All Mysteries and Data Caches in the Ruins of Wrath (Destiny 2 - Shattered Realm)

All Mysteries and Data Caches in the Ruins of Wrath (Destiny 2 - Shattered Realm)

This video will cover all Trivial, Enigmatic and Ascendant Mysteries in the Ruins of Wrath, while also showing the location of all three recently added Data Caches. This will complete the Wayfinding Wrath and Caches of Wrath Triumphs, which are required for the Realmwalker Seal.

Week 5 of the Season of the Lost Seasonal Storyline unlocked the enhanced Truesight Upgrade, which allowed us to use Truesight to find Data Caches hidden in the Shattered Realm, without this upgrade you will not be able to find the Data Caches, so make sure you’re up to date on the weekly storyline. Additionally, to view the Data Caches you must have the True Sight buff active. This week we will find all the caches available in the Ruins of Wrath.


0:00 - In Light’s Reach
0:21 - Below
0:46 - The Loop (Data Cache)
1:02 - Aloft, Adrift
1:46 - Starting “Lord of the Undercroft”
2:46 - Harrowed Hall
3:04 - Hive Movements (Data Cache)
3:34 - The Deep
3:46 - Finishing “Lord of the Undercroft”
5:01 - Impactor Cache (Light the Way)
5:34 - Pallasite Cache (Light the Way)
5:54 - Chrondite Cache (Light the Way)
6:13 - Eclipsed Cache (Light the Way)
6:47 - Kamacite Coffer (Light the Way)
7:22 - Turret Treasure (Light the Way)
7:39 - Howardite Cache (Light the Way)
8:33 - Spire’s Reach (Light the Way)
9:18 - Wrathful Maneuvers (Data Cache)
9:54 - Light the Way (Ascendant Mystery)

#ATP #Destiny2 #SeasonOfTheLost

Discord: or All The Players#9335 (feel free to message me anytime).

Realmwalker Seal / Trivial Wayfinding Wrath / Shattered Scholar / Caches of Wrath / Ruins of Wrath


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