Can You Eliminate a Rival BEFORE Her Week? | Yandere Simulator 1980s Mode

Can You Eliminate a Rival BEFORE Her Week? | Yandere Simulator 1980s Mode

This is from the October 19th Bug-Fixing Build
Is it possible to Eliminate a rival even before her week?
Yes! With the menu glitch, you can gossip about everyone! even IF that student/teacher/rival isnt even at school! you can even use this glitch on the journalist but he wont be effected even if you put him on -150 with gossip!
the bastard wil still come to school!
But the thing is that the game wil STILL count it as "not met yet" and that she was "murdered" somehow...
Can You Eliminate a Rival BEFORE Her Week? | Yandere Simulator 1980s Mode


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