Dear Biracials, Society Consider You As Black Regardless Of What You Consider Yourselves To Be!

Dear Biracials, Society Consider You As Black Regardless Of What You Consider Yourselves To Be!

Black people didn't come up with this one drop rule. We only follow what the rules that masses made up. So instead of attacking black people for calling you black, you should be attacking your non-black fore father's. I totally agree with how @tallavoider (famous biracial tik-toker) and her followers feel about not wanting to be put in the black box because they're mixed. But you're complaining to the wrong race of people. Regardless of whether we claim you as black or not. Society will consider you as black. If you don't believe me look at how the royals treated Megan Markle & her baby (Allegedly)! I have two other receipts in this video to prove what I say right. Not to mention that some of your white moms consider you as black too.

Biracial ChildrenBiracialsBlack Men

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