How Queen Elizabeth I of England looked in Real Life. In this video I show you how she might have looked based on the many portraits of her. I use my technology and photoshop skills to transform Elizabeth I portraits to show my artistic interpretation on how I think she might have looked in real life.
Her father Henry VIII in Real Life: https://youtu.be/yiwzdy1eCWg
Her mother Anne Boleyn in Real Life: https://youtu.be/jwln_axfkqY
King Charles II of England- The Restoration King in Real Life: https://youtu.be/gF3QB0FA7oY (not Tutor)
Elizabeth (1533-1603) was the last Monarch of the Tudor Dynasty. Her grandfather King Henry VII began the dynasty in 1485 - 1509. Then his son King Henry VIII took the throne. He took his two daughters out of line of succession for his only son Edward VI. When Edward died young, their cousin Lady Jane Grey became the 9 days Queen. Then Mary her half-sister from Henry's first wife Catherine of Aragon became Queen. Finally when she died, Elizabeth became Queen.
Her reign would last 44 years and was known as England's Golden Age because of the "peace" she gave to her country after years of disruption.
In 1562 she got smallpox which left her scarred. In this video I show her portraits from when she was young to old. Prior to her scars and after.
She was not known to be very pretty, especially as she aged. Her complexion disintegrated due to the poisonous makeups she used which contained lead and mercury. Also the huge amounts of sugar matched with poor dental hygiene, gave her black and rotting teeth.
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**Journey in the New World by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://www.twinmusicom.org/song/258/journey-in-the-new-world
Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org
**Family Tree Chart in the video from Wikipedia:
#MortalFaces #HenryVIII #Royalty