Gopi Gita Appreciation part 1, The Monk's Podcast 159 with Madhavananda Prabhu and Amarendra Prabhu

Gopi Gita Appreciation part 1, The Monk's Podcast 159 with Madhavananda Prabhu and Amarendra Prabhu

Summary 2:24:17 Near the end of the summary the internet connection was lost.
Madhavananda Prabhu
GORA গোରା Gaudiya Odiya Research Association
GORA is Madhavananda Das’ offering to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja who was a lover of rare Gaudiya Odiya literature and wanted to begin a Vaishnava university in Odisha. This project is also due to the inspiration and blessings from the learned professor and devotee Sripad Fakir Mohan Das who wanted to open a research center in Odisha to preserve rare Odiya literature and requested Madhavananda to assist him. Fakir Mohan Prabhu dedicated his life to searching out, preserving, and publishing these rare books. It is our hope that this endeavor will please these personalities. We pray for their blessings and the blessings of all the dear devotees of Jagannath, Gopinath, and Gaudiya-Odiyanath Gauranga Mahaprabhu.

Madhavananda Das, joined ISKCON in Los Angeles in 1982. He moved to Bhubaneswar Orissa in 1993 where he has been living since. He was instructed by Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaj to edit his lectures into publications. For over ten years he has been serving as the director of ISKCON Gopal Jiu Publications, the editor of Sri Krishna Kathamrita Magazine, and the email magazine Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu.

Amarendra prabhu is a diksha disciple of His Holiness Radha Govinda Dasa Goswami Maharaj, who is a senior disciple of Srila Prabhupada, very well known for his classes on the Srimad Bhagavatam. As a disciple, Amarendra prabhu aspires to practice and preach the message of the scriptures far and wide as much as possible and in this endeavour has travelled to many cities around the world spreading Krsna consciousness in Universities, temple Congregations and social platforms such as Youtube, Whatsapp and facebook
As part of his student preaching endeavours, he has also been part of many student conferences and has contributed in areas such as Interfaith harmony and Science & spiritual synthesis. Academically, Amarendra Prabhu is a Masters in Electrical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts and spiritually holds a Bhakti Shastri degree from Mayapur.

With a sincere heart, he expresses his heartfelt gratitude to His Holiness Bhakti Swarup Damodar Swami for being a very strong pillar in his life, motivating and guiding him as a well wisher, to his family for selflessly sacrificing their personal interests for making him a devotee of the Lord and to all the devotees worldwide who have lovingly nourished and nurtured him with their priceless care, intense prayers and sincere blessings.

Amarendra Dasa's website contains many audio and video recordings, articles etc.

Amarendra Dasa can be contacted at for scheduling lectures and seminars

Chaitanya Charan Das is a monk, spiritual mentor and author.

Building on his engineering degree from the Government College of Engineering, Pune, he has studied extensively the philosophical and sociological ramifications of modern science. Complementing his scientific education is his keen spiritual sensitivity honed by systematic and sympathetic study of the bhakti tradition for over two decades. He has been an invited speaker at several international conferences on the interface of science and spirituality, including the World Peace Conference 2006 and World Peace Congress 2008 organized by UNESCO. Based in India, he has given talks at colleges and companies all over the world from Australia to America. His writings appear regularly in several Indian newspapers including the reputed Speaking Tree column in The Times of India. Apart from 300 analytical articles (available at and 1600 inspirational daily meditations on the Bhagavad-gita (available at, he is the author of 20 books on a wide variety of subjects ranging from Science and spirituality, socio-cultural analysis of religion, and the ancient texts of India, especially the Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagavad-gita

He is a member of ISKCON’s leading intellectual body, the Shastric Advisory Council, which offers scriptural advice to the GBC (Governing Body Commissioner). He is an associate editor of Back to Godhead, ISKCON’s global magazine. His writings in English have been translated into several foreign languages including German, Chinese and Romanian and several Indian languages including Kannada, Telugu, Bengali, Hindi and Marathi.

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#GopiGita #Madhavananda #Amarendra

Chaitanya Charan PrabhuChaitanya Charan DasSpiritual scientist

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