Michael McLaughlin LLC
72 West End Avenue
Somerville, NJ 08876
United States
(908) 373-8500
A bankruptcy is an adverse credit event that remains on a person’s credit report for 10 years, after which it is considered obsolete information and must be removed. There’s no question that in the short-term, a person’s credit will be significantly impaired by a bankruptcy filing. However, delinquencies, late payments, and foreclosure notices that are served upon parties who fail to make payments on their debts will adversely affect a credit score almost as much the actual act of filing bankruptcy.
For people who are young or middle-aged, a bankruptcy will not follow them forever. The extinguishment of debts or a structured wage earner payment plan in Chapter 13 actually may be the right solution. Some people are hyper-focused on their credit rating. While important is not the be-all and end-all. For example, someone who has already obtained a mortgage and is not planning to move for many years is not going to need to seek a new mortgage in the near future; as long as they are able to pay their mortgage, they will in many instances depending on the amount of equity in the property be able to keep their home.
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