Introduction to TOEIC II TOEIC at a glance

Introduction to TOEIC II TOEIC at a glance

Dear all viewers,

In this time we would like to know more about TOEIC, which is TEST OF ENGLISH FOR INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION. TOEIC is a test that is mostly used for business English, or for our workplace.
Perhaps there are some questions that can be answered by this video such as:
What is TOEIC
What does TOEIC stand for
What the history of TOEIC
Why TOEIC is important for us?
What are the purposes of people to take TOEIC certification?
What are kinds of tests for TOEIC.

I hope this video would be able to give a knowledge in a glance about TOEIC, and happy learning.

Dear all guys, in order to check your understanding about this knowledge, please do the quiz as the link below:
Good luck


TOEICwhat is TOEICtest of english for international communication

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