DOSE is an acronym for Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, Endorphins: The positive neurotransmitters in our brain.
Flooding the brain with DOSE chemistry gives us the sensations of joy, clarity, vibrant energy, and ease. We have the world's greatest pharmacy inside us and by Micro-DOSE’n™️ on the fly throughout the day, we can generate and sustain more joy. I am getting DOSE’d, high off my own supply… check it out, join my community* and choose Joy every day. Yay
How to Connect with me:
YOUTUBE: Subscribe, Comment & Like so that we can enjoy the connection.
A Daily DOSE of Joy™️Playlist:
YOUTUBE Tool Box Playlist: To learn the Basic Micro-DOSE'n™️ tools
Email: Winstongarland9@gmail.com
*Contact me here if you would like to join the WhatsApp Micro-DOSE'n™️group