Nirvikalpa Meditation (05/09/21) | Sahaja Yoga | Attaining Nirvikalpa State

Nirvikalpa Meditation (05/09/21) | Sahaja Yoga | Attaining Nirvikalpa State

The objective of this meditation is to guide and help Sahaja Yogis to attain Nirvikalpa and above State.
Shri Mata Ji said in Nirvikalpa state we start meditating at the sky level, that is the area of "Nirvichaar Chetna (Thoughtless Awareness state)". A Sahaja Yogi must be able to control the sky element.(Geneva Talk ,28/08/1983)

The people who are not in the Nirvikalpa state are not going to be saved. I am very sorry to say that. They are not going to be saved. They will be punished. May not be in the same way [as] those who are not realised souls. But they will not occupy the seats in the realm of God Almighty. At least you must reach the state of Nirvikalpa. Do not blame any circumstance. Do not blame your father, mother, brother, atmosphere, this, that. There’s no need to blame anyone,” “Because somebody came we were influenced?” What is the matter with you? I’m here – you are not influenced by me! How are you influenced by somebody who is so stupid obviously, so dominating? That means what is your level?

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
May 4, 1985.


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