Preparing the Way for the Lord, a Guided Christian Meditation for gently living out your faith

Preparing the Way for the Lord, a Guided Christian Meditation for gently living out your faith

Our recent meditations have been grounding us in the idea of how spending surrendered time with God grows spiritual fruit in us. Today, our practice looks at how walking with God is gently and practically preparing the way for the Lord in the lives and hearts of those around us. 

Join me for prayer as we prepare to meditate.
God, we come to you, believing that because you have remade us, the road to our heart has been cleared for your glory. We praise you that our sins have been forgiven and that you’ve ransomed our hearts. If there is anything that we’ve taken up that hinders your glory from being revealed in us, shine your love light on it that we may see clearly and may put it far from us. We pray for our loved ones who don’t have this comfort of being known, this comfort of being fully seen and fully loved, to be brought closer to you this season. That their hearts also be prepared for you. Use us to show a clear reflection of your lovingkindness that we may continue preparing the way for you. Amen.

A Holistic Faith Lifestyle aims to seek sacred in the everyday routines by welcoming God into every aspect of holistic wellness; mind, body, spirit, emotions, and relationships. Meditation is a big part of setting the tone for this in our hectic day-to-day lives.

Ready to take the first steps in that direction? Join me for this free 5-day series!

Scriptures mentioned:
Isaiah 40:3-5
Psalm 85:10

Music Credit:
A Holistic Faith Lifestyle aims to seek sacred in the everyday routines by welcoming God into every aspect of holistic wellness; mind, body, spirit, emotions, and relationships. Meditation is a big part of setting the tone for this in our hectic day-to-day lives.

Ready to take the first steps in that direction? Join me for this free 5-day series!

walking in the light of godpreparing the way for the lordprepare the way for jesus

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