Study with me live pomodoro 12 hours | 165th consecutive day

Study with me live pomodoro 12 hours | 165th consecutive day

Hey! Welcome to my Study With Me Live Journey! I study 12 hours a day every day and I will be happy if you want to study with me. You don't have to study 12 hours a day, just join us whenever you feel like being helped by a study with me live video.
I will answer some questions that you might have about my study with me live and my 12 hours of study a day journey:

⌚ How do you organize the study sessions/breaks?
Every 50 minutes, we take a 10 minutes break, during which I will be happy to chat with you.

✍️ At what time do you start?
At 10 am GMT. Just search on Google: 10 am GMT to (your country)

🎡 What are you studying?
I am a professional musician, so I practice the guitar for 6 hours, study languages for 2 hours (I speak French, Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, and I'm learning Italian - you can ask me anything in any of those languages), and the 4 hours left are divided between composing, songwriting, writing poetry, reading, studying literature, video editing...

πŸš€ Why are you studying 12 hours every day?
A lot of people don't think that musicians (and artists in general) don't have to work a lot, but that is a misconception. Besides practicing our instruments for thousands of hours just to get started as a professional musician, we also have to study a lot of theory, music history, rhythm, harmony, arrangement, ear training, sight-reading, and if all that wasn't enough, we also have to dedicate a good amount of time to our career.
The truth is that I studied 12 hours a day in several moments of my life, while preparing for important events as competitions, recordings and big concerts.
Now, I decided to share my passion with people from all over the world to challenge myself to improve as much as I can as a musician, an artist and a human being. A lot of people told that my study with me live is helping them tremendously, and that makes me feel extremely happy about this project.

A very brief story about me:

As a kid I was isolated and bullied. I was very shy, had a lot of acne and was terrible at sports. When I was 12 years old, I started to learn the guitar and for the first time in my life I felt I could actually be good at something.

After taking classes for a while I started to perform in small school presentations, and it felt really nice to be appreciated by teachers and colleagues. I could see admiration in the eyes of those who had only looked at me with contempt. I then decided to take music seriously and never looked back.

12 years and 10000+ hours of practice later my dedication towards my passion started to pay off. In the past few years I was invited to perform in the Netherlands, Colombia, Sweden, US, France and many Brazilian cities. I also won national and international competitions and recorded my first album "Narrativas de Um Brasil", selected as one of the best instrumental CDs of the year (2019 - Embrulhador). On social media my performances seemed to please people, so I started posting videos and some of them got hundreds of thousands views, allowing me to get to more than 40k followers on Instagram.

As a result, better concert houses started to invite me more often, and I was finally able to make a living as an artist. During this fantastic period, I also got to know my greatest Idols and was warmly welcomed in wonderful places that I never expected to visit, let alone perform. I still have a long way to go and a lot to improve as a musician, so I won't stop working/practicing/studying anytime soon.

That's why I invite you to join me in my journey! Every single accomplishment in my life was the result of dedication and endless hours of study/practice/work.

But I know it can be hard to study for long periods of time by ourselves, so this Study With Me Live Sessions are also a way of gathering hardworking people and staying motivated to reach our dreams.

I'll be livestreaming my study sessions every day from 10 am to 10 pm (GTM - just convert GTM to your country's time zone), and it will be a pleasure to have you around! You will find some of my performances here:

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